As of yesterday, I have logged 501.5 hours with Finn this year. We reached our goal of 500 hours in 2014! And with time to spare, I might add. I am grateful, though, to have done it before I start my seasonal position at UPS, since I am unsure how much time that will leave me to ride. We have had a busy, productive, hard-working year so far, and it is likely we're headed into a bit of a lighter winter.
I was super pleased I was able to "celebrate" reaching 500 hours on a stellar trail ride with S and a visiting friend of hers. We went to Clear Creek and went even further than last time; I think we did between 8 and 9 miles total. The Fall weather was glorious and, as usual, the mountains were beautiful.
"Termination dust" (snow) on the mountains. |
Finn was absolutely super. He took a couple small spooks, but for the most part felt very grounded. I think his confidence was a little shaken by the experience at MontaƱa de Oro. When we turned around, he was a little over-forward for a while, but patiently insisting that he maintain the same distance behind slower-walking Rainey helped him settle down. He gradually started taking more and more responsibility for maintaining the space, even when it meant balancing himself better downhill to avoid falling into it. I was pleased. He also crossed a bridge twice, following Cody closely for confidence. I was VERY pleased. And we even had a chance to practice water crossing, thanks to a large puddle in the parking area!
Fun to ride with a group of three! |
All in all, it was a lovely, relaxing, awesome ride. I felt very grateful for the horse underneath me, the time we've spent together this year, and all the tremendous experiences we've had. They've been fun, challenging, funny, scary, frustrating, relaxing and everything else imaginable, and we've been together through it all.
Customary ears photo. |
I am, of course, contemplating my goals for next year already. I have a general idea of where I want to head... continuing with our study of Dressage, Naturally, for sure. Starting Finn over fences. Taking him to his first shows at some local dressage and/or H/J schooling shows. But I'm not quite sure what I want my specific goals to be. Whether I want to increase my hours, or trust that being employed all year will make getting 500 again challenging enough. I may set a goal next year for the number of rides I put on him... There are so many options, and I have quite a while to choose.
And here's my favorite pic from the ride; I'm so glad it occurred to me that this little turn in the trail would make a nice photo op! I adore Finn's expression here, even though one can barely make it out. I'm just glad to have a photo that captures my joy for me... my love for this challenging little horse and for the beauty of Northern Nevada. Things are looking up. :)
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